아래와 같이 홈페이지의 정상적인 운영을 저해하는 내용은
한국과학기술연구원 「홈페이지 관리 및 운영지침」에 따라 사전 예고없이 삭제하거나 답변하지 않을 수 있음을 알려드립니다.
제목 인체 감염 VIRUS 완치식품
- 등록일 21-11-25
- 조회수 36262
- 작성자 김이랑
치료물질을 만들지 못한 세월이 3. 000 년,
이젠 이 완성품이 세계의 아파하는 사람들의 고통과 생의 연장으로 활용되기 바라는 마음이지요 .
그러하기 위한 갈길을 연구원에서 안내해 주시기 바랍니다. .
HIV , HBV , M / XDR - TB Naturally Extracted Immune Functional Food Manufactured in your country .
Only therapeutic foods can cure HIV and HBV . Is it possible to locally manufacture antiviral food products with your company?
The innovative new material has completed the generation of Live - attenuated immune antibodies after the human viral disease has been cured.
A cure substance for HIV, HCV, HBV, and M/XDR-TB diseases cannot be chemically efficacious.
After infection, the immune system (CD-4/8, platelets) decreases due to the body's defense mechanisms and the fight against viruses.
The virus level that won the battle continues to reproduce and multiply at every moment.
Among infectious viral diseases, HBV, which requires a lot of time, is the slowest to treat.
M/XDR-TB that progressed to resistance of dual organ infection.
HIV, HCV virus with single antigen,
Mild airborne virus (COVID) infection that can be cured quickly,
What is the treatment mechanism for complete killing of the infected virus without sequelae with a genuine substance for a cure?
What changes in our body after being cured are the confirmation substances of cure?
Only being able to check Live-attenuated immune blood cells in your own blood can be called a cure.
The only way to cure the virus is to restore the weakened human immunity (CD-4/8, platelets) and maintain the normal level to start the virus killing.
Viral killing cannot be expected with chemical combination injections, drugs, or antiviral agents.
The age of HBV is 3.000 years, the result of drinking antiviral agents is 16 mutations,
The only way to cure the blood infection virus through the use of therapeutic food is in the realm of God.
Consumption of natural "autogenous therapy-based foods" is evidence of correct "immunological conversion" cure.
Test name ----------------------------Test result ----- ------------ - -------------- Reference value ----- -------------------unit
HBsAg -------------------------------Neg (<0.05) ------------- ------------------------Neg <0.05 --------- -------- ------ -IU/mL
Anti - HBc ------------------------------ Pos ---------------- ----------------------------11.64 ------ --------- -- -- -- -----mIU/mL
Anti - HBs ------------------------------ Pos ---------------- -----------------------------11.8 ------ --------- - -- -- ------ mIU/mL
Live - attenuated immune blood cell levels may be different for each person in the blood test record after they are cured.
The use of Live - attenuated immune antibodies produced after all infectious viruses have been cured is a raw material for therapeutic vaccines.
Therapeutic food intake confirms the cure for all viral diseases of human infection.
This healing food has been used by people all over the world as a remedy and food for thousands of years.
The world's only record of real evidence of treatment for therapeutic food intake.
A 45-year-old male patient with HBV vertical infection.
120 million replicated and disseminated viruses;
Treatment food intake 21 weeks Virus antigen complete destruction Confirmation of attachment .
Pure therapeutic food that can be safely consumed by infants and toddlers.
Viral antigens that have progressed to resistance. resistant bacterial antigens.
A complete cure for realistic complex infection (HCV+HIV) (HCV+HBV) (HIV+M/XDR-TB) can be expected.
Virus Multivariate - mutation new viral antigens to emerge in the future.
Collaborate with the relevant authorities to identify natural treatment-based foods, and curative food treatments must be manufactured in the funding country.
Before the completion of the therapeutic vaccine, the manufacture of therapeutic food proceeds, manufactures, and produces rapidly.
By manufacturing and producing "autogenous therapy-based foods" that grow wild in various regions of the world,
It can be distributed free of charge to COVID patients around the world.
The use of attenuated immune antibodies produced after all infectious viruses have been cured are immune cells that serve as raw materials for therapeutic vaccines.
In countries such as South Korea, North Korea, North America, South America, Australia, India, China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia, large quantities of "homegrown therapy-based food" substances are found in large quantities in their natural habitats . .
Consumption of therapeutic foods does not conflict with food, tea, remedies, injectables, medicines, polluted air and water, and lifestyle.
To give you strength, this is an attachment to confirm the facts of three blood records that have been cured of HBV at Yonsei University, Seoul National University, and private hospitals.
A case guide for treatment foods before treatment is always ready.
We will guide you on the projects and cooperation to be carried out in this institute.
1 " Human infection HCV , HIV , HBV , M / XDR - TB Virus The pain of disease is cured by ingestion of food,
2 " It is possible to confirm the production of live-attenuated immune blood cell immune antibodies for each disease.
3 " Each Live-attenuated immune blood cell antibody is used to manufacture therapeutic vaccines.
4 " HBV Live - attenuated immune blood cell antibody secured by our company .
Collaborate with the HBV therapeutic vaccine manufacturing laboratory.
Thank .
Yi Rang Kim
Senior Research / Representative Staff
Virus Treatment Food Research Institute