IRDA 학위수여식(8.18)
- 등록일 : 2010-09-02
- 조회수 : 5528
- 출처
- 첨부파일
The 15th Commencement Ceremony of the 'International R&D Academy(IRDA)' was held on Wednesday, August 18 at the Convention Hall, International Cooperation Building.
At the ceremony, 16 students from China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Israel, Pakistan, Thailand, and Vietnam received their degrees; eight received Master's Degrees, and another eight received Ph.D. degrees.
Dr. Dasari Hari Prasad from India (Materials & Devices Research Division) and Ms. Vo Thanh Huyen from Viet Nam (Energy Research Division) were received Academic Excellence Award in relation to their great academic achievements.
Dr. Ibrahim Mustafa Ibrahim El-Deeb in Life and Health Research Division, who won the Grand Prize at the UST Commencement Ceremony gave the student speech. He shared his own memories and experience in Korea and KIST. To celebrate his winning of grand prize, two distinguished guests from the Embassy of Egypt participated our IRDA Commencement Ceremony for the day.
Some of the graduates are going to will stay Korea for further research careers, but the rest of them will go back to their countries for building successful careers as born-in-KIST scientists.
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