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Natural Product Applied Science

Natural Product Applied Science
Natural Products Applied Science is a major that studies natural products derived from

animals, plants and microorganisms to develop functional materials that can improve or

treat various diseases and apply them to the bio-industry in connection with

industrialization. Natural Products Applied Science includes multidisciplinary convergence

research such as natural product physiological activity, natural product chemistry, natural

product informatics, functional food science, plant cultivation physiology, and agricultural

engineering, etc. .
Chief major professor
Name Chu Won Nho
Field of Research
Biological activity of natural products, Mechanistic elucidation of natural product bioactivity, Development of smart farm core technology and commercialization platform
Email cwnho@kist.re.kr Telephone 033-650-3420
Main Issues
Smart T/U-farm. Cultivation optimization and analysis of season/regional variations. Enhancement of useful secondary metabolites and augmentation of functional components.
Investigation of active components, standardization of natural products, and development of functional food and natural medicines.
Natural product informatics (NPI). AI-based discovery of new bioactive NP. Data-driven natural product omics research
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