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"Pride, Convergence, Community
Radiate the Spirit of Success!"
Since 1966, KIST has dedicated itself to educating talented young professionals. KIST School has taken full advantage of KISTs vast experience in the creation and operation of graduate schools. The primary goal of KIST School is to educate future global leaders in S&T research. To do that, we offer three interdisciplinary educational programs backed by more than 50 years of top-notch research and educational experience.
Kist School
Participating in National R&D Projects
Over 90% of KIST's R&D budget comes from government and institutional programs $271 million (as of 2019)
Excellent faculty
150 professors selected from among the 594 Ph.D researchers at KIST
Infrastructure of National Research Institute
Knowledge/Technology accumulated over 50 years of experience
Cutting-edge research equipment/facilities
The Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) is
the premier multidisciplinary research institute in Korea, and its aim is to create a better future by improving the quality of life for everyone.

KIST was established in 1966 as the first government-funded research institute in Korea. The history of KIST is the history of Korean development in the aftermath of the devastation caused by the Korean War. In 1960, when Korea embarked on its national development plan and laid the foundation for a new research institute, it was one of the poorest countries in the world. Now, it boasts the world's 11th biggest economy thanks to its advancements in the field of science and technology.

As a result of focusing on frontier and global-agenda research by concentrating on large-scale, long-term, interdisciplinary R&D projects to increase Korea's R&D capacities in the field of S&T and to nurture promising young talent, in March 2017, KIST was ranked by Reuters as the world's 6th most innovative research institution for the second year in a row.
Because KIST was founded with assistance from foreign aid, KIST feels it is time to return the favor by disseminating the KIST model of science-based official development assistance (ODA) in hopes of giving back to the global community.

Change begins with education. KIST offers several unique graduate-level programs to help students, both domestic and foreign, gain the knowledge and practical research experience that will equip them for success as scientists and engineers in specialized S&T fields. Students at KIST School are carefully selected for participation in R&D projects at KIST's research centers—projects that closely correspond with the students' respective fields of study. By allowing students to immerse themselves in S&T research under the close supervision of their advisors, KIST is fostering a new generation of S&T leaders capable of creating a brighter future.