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Outstanding Students Attraction Program

- Preliminary internship program for the students who are going to apply for the KIST School(UST) graduate program (Master’s / Ph.D)
- Provides R&D research experience for the student researchers
- Offers a Korean language program
- Supports the cost of exam (up to 1 time) for the students who does not meet English test score requirement to apply for the KIST School(UST) graduate program admission
Semester & Period
Internship for Spring begins in March
Internship for Fall begins in September
6 month-long internship
Requirements for Eligibility
Students who can keep their student status at their current universities throughout the internship period
Potential applicants for the KIST School(UST) graduate program admission
Must get an official recommendation from organization which have agreement with KIST
Students who have less than 3 semesters left until graduation
Experience in national R&D projects funded by the Korean government and institutions
Receive guidance from the KIST researchers with superb research capabilities
Access to well-equipped laboratories at KIST
Student Benefits
Financial support: monthly stipend of 1,200,000 KRW for undergraduate students and 1,400,000 KRW for master’s students (before tax deduction)
Dormitory facilities (Dormitory Fee will be around 180,000 KRW)
Comprehensive insurance
Diverse academic/cultural events for students
Supports the cost of Official English Test (up to 1 time, to meet the requirements of KIST School-UST admission)
Searching Advisors :  Visit KIST School Homepage to search interesting research fields and advisors ()
Admission Process
Announcement of admission
guidelines & application
Document review
Recommendation from
the country
In-Depth Interview in each
field of study
Announcement of final
successful applicants
Admission Registration