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The AI-Robotics major aims to cultivate creative professionals in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics.

In this major, basic knowledge and expertise related to artificial intelligence and robots are trained through various practical exercises and research projects to cultivate talented individuals with professional literacy in related fields.

By developing application skills that apply to various fields, we nurture students as experts who will lead the innovation of future information and knowledge society.
Chief major professor
Name Ahn, Sang Chul
Field of Research
HCI (Human Computer Interaction)
Augmented Reality
IBMR (Image Based Modeling and Rendering)
Email asc@kist.re.kr Telephone +82.2.958.5777
Main Issues
Advanced Integrated Intelligence for Identification(AIID): developing cutting-edge AI-driven surveillance technologies to search missing children and elderly with dementia
Fundamentals for Robotic Platforms: developing fundamental technology for sensors and mobile robots supporting users directly and physically
CAS-Surgery 4.0: developing target-selective fluorescence image guided micro surgical robots
Meta-Humanoid: developing a touchable humanoid by combining a digital human and a robotic humanoid
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