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Center of the growth engines of the future

Converging Technology

The Future Convergence Strategy Center’s mission is to support the establishment of national convergence research policies, strategies and revitalize the convergence research ecosystem in order to foster innovative growth and the development of new industries.

Convergence research has become an increasingly important factor for creating new value and providing solutions to the complex, multi-faceted problems modern society faces. In order to secure national competitiveness through science and technology-based convergence and to explore ways to solve multifaceted problems, we will establish a national strategy and provide an opportunity for various stakeholders to participate and interact in convergence research.

The Future Convergence Strategy Center will strive to create a foundation for promoting convergence research and contribute to the spread of convergence research culture.

KIST 한국과학기술연구원
미래를 선도하는 정보 인프라 BioIN
한국연구재단 NRF
KIST 한국과학기술연구원
미래를 선도하는 정보 인프라 BioIN
한국연구재단 NRF