Message from the Director
We will strive
for clean air and blue skies
for our children to nurture
their dreams in!
As air quality issues have become a part of our daily lives, use of the term particulate matter has shifted from being used by atmospheric environment experts to people of all ages. However, despite public aspiration for clean air, the complexity of production, transport, conversion and control processes related to particulate matter makes solving this issue on our own difficult.
To identify the cause and solve the problems of particulate matter, KIST Clean Air Center will carry out fundamental R&D on atmospheric science, emission reduction, exposure reduction, health risk and establish an international cooperative network to contribute to fundamental solutions for the particulate matter issue Especially, we will continue to discover innovative technologies requiring government investment, analyze R&D results and policies to establish policies/strategies based on scientific facts and allow R&D results to be connected with government policies
Particulate matter issues can only be tackled by working together!
We will strive to pass on blue skies and clean air to our children by concentrating the excellent research capabilities of the Republic of Korea!
Thank you
Director, Clean Air Center